I’m trying to create an aftercreate rule for an AD source in IDN, I will copy the rule and powershell script I have built so far, but I see an error in IQservices powershell script like follows: Error: Item = → Message = Exception calling “.ctor” with “1” argument(s): “Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.”
Anyone ran into this issue?
Also if you could post the working rule and powershell script, would really appreiate it. Thanks.
Powershell Script:
# Instructions (for each IQService host that could run the script):
# - Update the path to Utils.dll (can be an unqualified path like "Utils.dll" since script is copied to IQService folder for execution)
# - Make sure Utils.dll is in the specified folder on each IQService host
# - Be sure the account that runs IQService has appropriate permissions to create directories and set permissions on them
# - Be sure to set the "run as" account for the IQService in Windows Service to the above-specified account instead of just the "logged on" user
# - Set a proper location for the $logFile variable
# - Set the $enableDebug flag to $true or $false to toggle debug mode
param (
#import AD cmdlets
Import-Module activeDirectory
#include SailPoint library
Add-Type -Path "C:\DM\Tools\IQService\Utils.dll";
#log file info
$logDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"
$logFile = "C:\SailPoint Scripts\PS Script Logs\ConnectorAfterCreate_$logDate.log"
$enableDebug = $true
#save logging files to a separate txt file
function LogToFile([String] $info) {
$info | Out-File $logFile -Append
#if we have a non-null account request, get our value; otherwise return nothing
function Get-AttributeValueFromAccountRequest([sailpoint.Utils.objects.AccountRequest] $request, [String] $targetAttribute) {
$value = $null;
if ($request) {
foreach ($attrib in $request.AttributeRequests) {
if ($attrib.Name -eq $targetAttribute) {
$value = $attrib.Value;
} else {
LogToFile("Account request object was null");
return $value;
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Entering AfterScript PS")
try {
# Begin SailPoint protected code -- do not modify this code block
$sReader = New-Object System.IO.StringReader([System.String]$requestString);
$xmlReader = [System.xml.XmlTextReader]([sailpoint.utils.xml.XmlUtil]::getReader($sReader));
$requestObject = New-Object Sailpoint.Utils.objects.AccountRequest($xmlReader);
#debug line for testing
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Request object contents:")
LogToFile($requestObject | Out-String)
# End SailPoint protected code
# Begin Client-provided code
#get the necessary info we need from the accountRequest object
#as an example: $nativeIdentity = $requestObject.nativeIdentity
#do whatever work needs to be done here
# End Client-provided code
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Entered logic...1")
$nativeIdentity = $requestObject.nativeIdentity
# Generate a random password
$randomPassword = "RandomPassword@123456!"
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Entered logic...2")
# Set the password in AD
Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $nativeIdentity -NewPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $randomPassword -Force) -Reset
# Output the new password to the SailPoint event log
# Write-Host "New password for ${nativeIdentity}: $randomPassword"
catch {
$ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
$ErrorItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
LogToFile("Error: Item = $ErrorItem -> Message = $ErrorMessage")
if($enableDebug) {
LogToFile("Exiting AfterScript PS")