Advanced Analytics Entitlement Search not showing fields

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?

Version 8.4

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Screenshot 2024-05-01 175523.png

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Hi Community,

We have recently upgraded to 8.4 version.

We are seeing an issue in Advanced Analytics > Entitlement Search.

  1. If we run a search and select fields to display, we do not see the fields being displayed in search results; only Value is displayed.

  2. If we run an Advanced Search and select fields to display, we do see the fields being displayed in search results.

Screenshots attached.

We have checked the SystemConfiguration and UIConfig files, but don’t see any discrepancies.

Any pointers?

Click result options save both queries as population and compare if you selectors/filters are the same.

Not sure if I can save an Entitlement Search as a population; but I tried to export the data for both normal search and Advanced Search.
Normal search export doesn’t give me all the columns I have selected; but advanced search export does.

It doesn’t seems like that you can use as population

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