Adding Missing Identity Attributes with Before Web Services Operator Rules in IDN

Can I achieve the same behaviour with an before web services operator rule? that is, adding to request identity attributes that are not present in the create provisioning policy?

hi @clebercarvalhoRaise,

If i understood it correctly you are trying to add some more attributes to support the endpoint request. Yes you can add them using before operation rule and update the request payload in the endpoint.


I’ve never done this, it would be the first time, do you have a template that can help me? Have you already done this?

Hi @clebercarvalhoRaise ,

The question is not clear. Is it about Create Account operation? If it is about modifying your Create Account request payload based on identity attributes in Before Operation rule, it is not possible in IdentityNow.

The reason is, we neither have identity object nor the idnruleutil to fetch the identity attributes. I would suggest to leverage the create provisioning policy only to include your identity attribute values to your plan. You can definitely modify the added identity attribute values like changing the format etc in your webservice before operation rule as you have these attribute values in the plan.

Hope this is clear.

Uday Kilambi

If you’re just trying to include the additional attributes as part of the request payload, please take a look at this blogpost, which tells you how to get send attributes without attempting to provision them:

You can technically update the provisioningPlan in your before operation rule, but I wouldn’t recommend it. You won’t have access to the Identity object at that stage (this occurs on the VA).

A better place to update the ProvisioningPlan would be in the Before Provision rule (which runs on the cloud, and provides access to Identity and Account information).

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