Add UPN to New Hire Email Template

required to add UPN to email template of newHire provisioning. is there default template or do we need customized email template? any sample example on this?

Hi! There is no template as far as I know. You have to get user’s accounts (I used Identity Attributes Chaged for testing, but you can use the trigger that you need, perhaps Provisinoing Completed):

After Get Accounts, you have to catch the AD account (response is an array), like this:

And then you can use it on your email:

I left you this worflow attached, you only have to change the owner/modifier identity and import it into your tenant.

sendUPN.json (1.7 KB)


Why not use New Account Provisioned Email Template by configuring notification for AD account creation, anyway UPN is from AD rite unless you need to include password as well in email which needs a different workaround due to password decryption limitation.

thanks Krishna. Is this work newHires as New Account Provisioned Email have sources variable that concentrate first time account creation? correct me if am wrong please

Foe every source you can set email notification configurations when a new account is created. You can configure whether to send an email or not, to whom (user, manager or some support team) we should send the email.

POST {{baseUrl}}/cc/api/emailTemplate/setAccountCreateNotificationOptions


    "accountIdAttribute": "<nativeIdentity>",
    "accountNotificationList": [
    "emailAccountManager": true,
    "emailAccountOwner": true,
    "emailAccountOwnerAltEmail": false,
    "enabled": true,
    "sourceId": "1234dfgfg"

To know the current config

GET {{baseUrl}}/cc/api/emailTemplate/getAccountCreateNotificationOptions/:id

But these APIs are deprecated, no idea about replacements. Alternative is you can add this config to your existing source using VS Code IDN extension.

To know about email templates, check this doc



The API is replaced with the source PATCH API

Here are the details:

And here is the overall document for the process.


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