Add Entitlement Operation not being triggered by Request Center

The “Add Entitlement” operation is not being triggered by the request center. To troubleshoot, I assigned static values to the role ID in the context URL and a static user ID in the body, but the entitlement was still not added. However, when I used the same URL & body with static values in the “Test Connection” operation, it successfully added the entitlement.

Request Center shows that the Request completed with Error

Account Event shows Request Access Started and nothing else:

Add Entitlement Operation Config:

                "httpMethodType": "PATCH",
                "pagingInitialOffset": 0,
                "sequenceNumberForEndpoint": "5",
                "uniqueNameForEndPoint": "Add Entitlement to User",
                "curlCommand": null,
                "rootPath": null,
                "body": {
                    "bodyFormData": null,
                    "jsonBody": "{\n    \"schemas\": [\n        \"urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp\"\n    ],\n    \"Operations\": [\n        {\n            \"op\": \"Add\",\n            \"path\": \"members\",\n            \"value\": [\n                {\n                    \"value\": \"59a5b1a8-a86a-4938-b3d7-ca954ebe4a3a\"\n                }\n            ]\n        }\n    ]\n}",
                    "bodyFormat": "raw"
                "customAuthUrl": null,
                "paginationSteps": null,
                "responseCode": [
                "resMappingObj": null,
                "contextUrl": "/scim/v2/groups/5004",
                "pagingSize": 50,
                "curlEnabled": false,
                "header": {
                    "Accept": "application/json",
                    "Content-Type": "application/json"
                "operationType": "Add Entitlement",
                "xpathNamespaces": null,
                "parentEndpointName": null

Hi @erie-erie

This looks quite odd and not much information available here. Can you please confirm you still have the option for create user with ent enabled ? If so, may be we should disable it.


It is disabled. It is not adding entitlement to existing accounts as well ATM

Hi @erie-erie

It looks bit strange because when i see the access request, it is not going through steps like SOD and approvals so could there be possibility that some feature needs to be enabled. May be you can check once with SailPoint support team.

Thank You.

Hi @erie-erie ,

Can u share the event details from SEARCH, for this access request ,
Check if there is ‘Access Request’ Event Trigger is Enabled .

Thanks !

@erie-erie Can you confirm if you have created separate entitlement types and all your entitlement are stored as type group in sailpoint?

Issue is solved as there was error on pre approval process when access request was submitted.

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