AD Source Account Deletion After Worker Temination

Hi All, I want to check if there are any recent improvements in IDN where we can delete AD Source Account after worker termination without using before provisioning rule. We are aware of solution where we define LCS state for deletion, enable the account and then use before provisioning rule to delete the account.

We are looking for a design solution that doesn’t involve “Before Provisioning rule” or “AD scripts” outside of IDN.

I’m aware of this idea “” which is still in future planning.

Looks like IDN Workflow doesn’t handle this requirement either.

Hi @vijaylca

There is no OOTB feature to delete the account.

Workflow has the action Manage Accounts → Delete Account, but it is supported for Delimited File source only.

You need to depend on Before Provisioning Rule or PowerShell scripts using Native Rules or Scripts outside IDN.


Thank you @MVKR7T. I guess we have to wait for " “" to become a reality which would make things much simpler.

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