The AD attribute ‘oauthOrig’ is not syncing to the Active Directory. I’m encountering the following error “Failed to update attribute authOrig A constraint violation occurred.”
Can anyone help me here?
Harish G
The AD attribute ‘oauthOrig’ is not syncing to the Active Directory. I’m encountering the following error “Failed to update attribute authOrig A constraint violation occurred.”
Can anyone help me here?
Harish G
This is more of end source thing, you need to get violation code and understand what violation you are causing with the value you are trying to sync.
if it’s possible try to write that value directly on AD and see if you are getting same error or not using powershell. If that’s the case then this is outside of idn and more on AD side.
The Error you see is usualy connected to the wrong content of the provisioned attribute in AD. Eg. when you try to change password and you get constraint violation - this is usualy related to password not meeting password complexity settings in AD. I advice you to check with your AD admins if you have any requirements to what should be the content of this attribute when you provision it.
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