Active Directory: Attribute Sync for the Manager Attribute

Attribute Sync is the process of updating an attribute on a source if an associated identity attribute changes. Examples include changes to job title, location, department etc. Synchronizing an attribute is only available if it is mapped to an identity attribute on the account create profile of the target source. In the case of the manager attribute in Active Directory, this is typically mapped to an out of the box generator:

Using this method means that attribute sync is not available for the manager attribute, which is often a customer requirement. However, we can facilitate this by using two new identity attributes and a transform as described below.

Step 1:

On the relevant identity profile, create a new identity attribute to hold the distinguished name for the identity, and map it to the distinguishedName attribute on your Active Directory source:

Step 2:

Upload the transform to the tenant:

{ "attributes": { "attributeName": "distinguishedName", "name": "Cloud Services Deployment Utility", "operation": "getReferenceIdentityAttribute", "uid": "manager" }, "name": "Determine Manager DN", "type": "rule" }

Step 3:

Create another new identity attribute to hold the distinguished name of the identity’s manager by mapping it to the new transform just uploaded:

Save and refresh the identity profile and check that the attributes are populated with the expected data.

  • The Distinguished Name attribute should hold the DN of the identity
  • The AD Manager Distinguished Name attribute should hold the DN of the identity’s manager

Note: on step 3 you must ensure the identity has a correlated manager and that manager identity has an AD account.

Step 4:

In your Active Directory source, navigate to the create profile and change the mapping of the manager attribute to the new identity attribute:

As this is now mapped to an identity attribute, it will be available to synchronise.

Step 5:

Navigate to Account Sync on the Active Directory source and enable synchronisation for the manager attribute:

Any changes to the manager attribute on an identity will now be synchronised to the Active directory source.

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Informative post @kirby_fitch

This is what I have implemented in all of my clients.

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Thanks, @MVKR7T. This is actually @stewart_glover 's work. I just put it somewhere it’s accessible. Thanks, Stewart!

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Thank you @kirby_fitch and @stewart_glover. This is informative.

I have a quick question on Attribute Sync - Does it trigger and work for inactive users who have AD in disabled state?

Basically it triggers for all users if there is a change irrespective of Lifecycle state and Account status. If it is same value then it will be filtered, so no sync activity.

However there is a bug here @kirby_fitch

I will explain with an example.

Provisioning Policy:

Account Attribute: Manager
Mapping Type: Identity Attribute
Identity Attribute Name: Manager DN

Attribute Sync:
Manager DN → Manager : Enabled

New Requirement:
Use Manager DN New Identity attribute

Attribute Sync:
Manager DN → Manager : Enabled
Manager DN New → Manager : Disabled

Unfortunately we deleted Manager DN attribute, so null passed as value and synced. This wiped out all managers in Target system causing P2 incident.

Actually our issue was not with manager, it was with SSO login id which was wiped out. So no user was able to login.

This was an unfortunate incident.

What I do whenever I do a change in attribute mapping,

Under Attribute sync:

  • Deselect the old attribute sync which is Manager DN → Manager, save and Reload the page.
  • It will remove the old sync entry (Manager DN → Manager)
  • Now you will have only one sync entry which is using new identity attribute (Manager DN New → Manager).

This suppose not to be the product behavior. Even if it is, it should have given exception that Manager DN attribute doesn’t exist instead of passing nulls.

Whenever you change the Identity attribute in account mapping, attribute sync should be updated with newly mapped identity attribute. For safety, it is ok if sync is not enabled by default. We can review and enable the sync at once.

Thanks for providing this info, but I have to ask myself how nice would it be if SailPoint would provide features like this, that are needed by every project using AD (and probably almost all projects), as standard?

A first step would be to integrate all these posts into the AD connector set-up documentation, instead of having bits of information here and there.

Best regards,

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now I run into the same use case. we get manager change from our HR. And we sync to identity. Now we want to sync the new manager to AD.

However, I followed exactly the steps, but got blank value in the identity’s AD Manager Distinguished Name attribute. the distinguished name does have value.

Not sure what I missed. Please help out,
