Account update (patch) not working and throwing is not a valid patch field for the account model

Hi, I am trying to update some source account field, but receiving XXXX not working and throwing is not a valid patch field for the account model. Tried for almost all attributes and receives this with 400 response.

Used with
(with baseurl replaced on environment and id replaced in param section of postman

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json-patch+json’
–header ‘Accept: application/json’

Body is

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/cidade",
    "modified": "Buenos Aires"

And source is a web service connector, used as authoritative source.

Hi @Julian,

Only two fields can be updated using Update Account API which are

  • identityId
  • manuallyCorrelated

Here’s the API documentation for your reference: update-account | SailPoint Developer Community

For all other fields to be updated the update should come from the source system or you would have to attach AfterOperationRule (for custom requirements).

Even though the patch operation for other fields won’t work here but for further PATCH operations (for other APIs), the body will contain op(operation),path and value. For Example:-

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "<path>",
    "value": "<value>"

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