Account only delimited Application is not getting provisioned

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8.4 version

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Hi all, I am facing a strange issue. I am trying to onboard an account only application which is disconnected app. Steps i have followed. I have created a delimited application and it is integrated with ServiceNow. In Identityiq for servicenow service desk , have made an entry for the application. Then i added the application in LifeCycle Manager–> BusinessProcess…
Now when i am trying to assign the Application to a user from Manage Accounts, i have observed that when i have submited the request, in the access request i am able see the Provision Engine with IdentityIq ServiceNow details but once the perform maintenance ran, the provisioning section is disappeared. Did any one had a similar experience? Any clue is much appreciated.

Hi @sreeradhika10,

with delimited Application, you are refereing to a delimited file?

Yes Emanuele, i am refering to delimited file.

Hi @sreeradhika10,

with delimited file you can use provisioning. If you want managed it, you must use rule where you update the file directly

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