Note that I have already created a support case for this issue.
I have a process that utilizes the account-aggregation-completed event trigger. It creates a ticket in ServiceNow whenever there is an error or warning so we can address the issue. I noticed today there were failures and warnings with no tickets created, so I dug a little deeper.
I created a new trigger without any filtering so I could make sure to eliminate any issues with the filter
Error not firing trigger at all
I had a source with a failed account aggregation
I could see that reflected in both the /cc/api/event/list endpoint
"id": 4654893,
"status": "ERROR",
"timestamp": "2024-01-11T17:06:51Z",
"dateCreated": "2024-01-11T17:06:51Z",
"details": {
"name": "Cloud Account Aggregation - 770ae5688a544bbfa914b024ab657397",
"description": null,
"messages": {
"Error": "com.sailpoint.mantisclient.exception.baserestclient.BaseRestClientConnectionFailedException: Unable to execute request to URI"
"attributes": {
"eventId": 4654893,
"clusterCcgBuild": "937",
"appId": "fd3a6d24b06242ffad1265c4c95cf6c7",
"optimizedAggregation": "enabled"
"completed": 1704992930139,
"id": "4ce8a43601654c03ba965241634d22d5",
"launched": 1704992810760,
"status": "Error"
"user": {
"alias": "SYSTEM",
"externalId": "2c9180846d170ded016d888a96eb160d"
"object": {
"id": 1851555,
"externalId": "fd3a6d24b06242ffad1265c4c95cf6c7",
"type": "source",
"displayName": "Azure Active Directory - Guests"
As well as the audit log
"org": "chk",
"pod": "prd04-useast1",
"created": "2024-01-11T17:08:50.243Z",
"id": "4142e2ebd5464f56a042abcefe8201b1",
"actor": {},
"target": {
"name": "Azure Active Directory - Guests [source]"
"stack": "qpoc",
"trackingNumber": "44d7a2d7-fe80-4c6a-a6fb-de84597f8eee",
"attributes": {
"aggregationId": "4ce8a43601654c03ba965241634d22d5",
"sourceId": "fd3a6d24b06242ffad1265c4c95cf6c7",
"sourceName": "Azure Active Directory - Guests"
"objects": [
"operation": "AGGREGATE",
"status": "FAILED",
"name": "Aggregate Source Account Failed",
"synced": "2024-01-11T17:08:50.403Z",
"_type": "event",
"_version": "v7"
However, there were no trigger invocations fired on that trigger subscription for this aggregation failure
Warnings showing as successful
I had another source end in a warning because of an account deletion threshold
The warning status was reflected in the /cc/api/event/list endpoint
"id": 4654940,
"status": "WARNING",
"timestamp": "2024-01-11T18:08:12Z",
"dateCreated": "2024-01-11T18:08:12Z",
"details": {
"name": "Cloud Account Aggregation",
"description": null,
"messages": {
"Warn": "Account deletion was skipped for Automic because the threshold of 36 was exceeded."
"attributes": {
"eventId": 4654940,
"total": "97",
"clusterCcgBuild": "937",
"optimized": "97",
"appId": "2c91808481d42b010181d90cbcd9662c",
"optimizedAggregation": "enabled"
"completed": 1704996495844,
"id": "99b563fdea14423eb45a79d9ab830c0b",
"launched": 1704996491280,
"status": "Warning"
"user": {
"alias": "SYSTEM",
"externalId": "2c9180846d170ded016d888a96eb160d"
"object": {
"id": 1847540,
"externalId": "2c91808481d42b010181d90cbcd9662c",
"type": "source",
"displayName": "Automic"
And there was a trigger subscription invocation for it as well. But curiously, the status of this shows ‘Success’, even though the event above shows warning, granted, it does have a warnings property included
"_metadata": {
"invocationId": "05dfb187-cfae-4bc9-b1d9-84b054b1ca17",
"triggerId": "idn:account-aggregation-completed",
"triggerType": "fireAndForget"
"completed": "2024-01-11T18:08:16.048615Z",
"errors": [],
"source": {
"id": "2c91808481d42b010181d90cbcd9662c",
"name": "Automic",
"type": "SOURCE"
"started": "2024-01-11T18:08:11.280Z",
"stats": {
"added": 0,
"changed": 0,
"removed": 0,
"scanned": 97,
"unchanged": 97
"status": "Success",
"warnings": [
"Account deletion was skipped for Automic because the threshold of 36 was exceeded."
The documentation seems to suggest that such an aggregation should not have a Success status
So what gives? Anyone else experiencing this? Am I misunderstanding how this should work?