Access Request Administration - SailPoint Identity Services

Identity Security Cloud requires users to execute core governance processes throughout the product, such as access requests, certifications, and provisioning tasks. Instead of an access request being viewable only by the user who submitted it, admins can also view and manage everything that users see in the Request Center > My Requests UI.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

Hi :slight_smile:

Some remarks from my side on this new documentation (note I only focus on the bad things, ignoring the good).

  1. Broken link: User Level Permissions
  2. “Status – Status of the request, including Executing, Partial Prov. Failed, Error, Canceled, Rejected, and Completed”. I think Prov. should not be shortened and the correct names should be fully given.
  3. Filtering on Error is not possible, so it should be removed from the list of options “Error – Other error”
  4. “You can’t reassign an access request review to a group. To reassign an item that is currently assigned to a governance group, you need to reassign it to an individual.”. Perhaps good to mention here that not only should you reassign it to an individual, you also need to assign it from an individual within that group. As otherwise it seems to be conflicting with the line above “When the request is assigned to multiple approvers, the Reassign option in the Actions column is disabled.”

Thanks @angelo_mekenkamp! I’ve updated that link and “Prov” text. Note the UI might return “Prov” in the status badge due to space constraints.

I’ve also created SAASDOCS-8748 to review the filter and reassigning behavior.

We appreciate your help! :raised_hands:t2:

Thank you @rachel_rigdon! :slight_smile:

On a second glance, it looks like these statuses are not correct yet. The commas might be incorrectly placed. Could you please double check this documented list with the real potential values?

@angelo_mekenkamp For sure. I just updated the link and text, but I have another writer working on the rest of the concerns you raised. I’ll make sure this is included in that ticket for her to review.

Hi @angelo_mekenkamp Based on your feedback, we’ve updated Access Request Administration - SailPoint Identity Services. Thank you for helping us improve our documentation!


Hi @DocsTeam,

Request you to include the period (days/months/years) the “Access Request Administration” page can/shall hold submitted access request details. This would help understand how one can rely on the logs here for audit.

Hi Amar! Thank you for your question. We don’t currently limit how long requests are retained, but this may change in the future if needed for performance purposes. If/when we implement any pruning processes, we will be sure to announce it and add it to the documentation. Thanks!

Thank you @BeckyJorgensen for your response.

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