Share all details about your problem, including any error messages you may have received.
Hi Team,
We are facing issue after scheduling certification. It appears to be there is not any reminader email is being sent even though we are making it to send notification every 3 days as showin in screenshot below:
The remainder emails are not being sent. As we checked the logs we found this issue In Step ‘Start’ : invalid step name in transition: Start Request Manager
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.transition(
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.advance(
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.startCase(
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.launchInner(
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.launch(
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.launch(
at sailpoint.api.Workflower.launchSafely(
at sailpoint.api.WorkflowTriggerHandler.handleEventInternal(
at sailpoint.api.AbstractIdentityTriggerHandler.handleEvent(
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.processEvents(
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.processTriggers(
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.processTriggers(
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.finishRefresh(
at sailpoint.api.Identitizer.refresh(
at sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor$RefreshWorker.refreshAndProcess(
at sailpoint.task.IdentityRefreshExecutor$RefreshWorkerPool.queue(
at sailpoint.request.IdentityRefreshRequestExecutor.processEventsOnly(
at sailpoint.request.IdentityRefreshRequestExecutor.execute(
are both related as during certification we don’t see any error
In the Step Start you have a transiction to another step called Start Request Manager that doesnt exist or it has an other name. Remeber IIQ is case sensitive