Hello, my company is using IdentityIQ 8.2 and in one of the tasks “synchronize attributes” it reported this error.
A different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session : [sailpoint.object.Link#ac1046********65]. I would like to know what kind of adjustment or correction I can make in this situation?
I can’t solve this particular problem - but when I have seen this in the past it is usually due to a rule and/or workflow beanshell code trying to update the object (link/account in this case) and then not decaching. Do you have custom rules or scripts associated with any of your synchronized attributes?
it is also not a best practice to update Links directly in logic, last time I implemented anyway. If you do have custom code somewhere, looking for something similar to context.search(Link.class, …) or context.getObjecyById(Link.class) etc
So it means that this is an error is in some workflow?
Is this happening consistently or just a intermittent case?
@Victor27 What are the options checked on your instance of “Refresh Identity Cube” task?
yes is giving consistently, every time the task is executed give this error.