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Use this API to implement connector rule management functionality. With this functionality in place, administrators can implement connector-executed rules in a programmatic, scalable way.

In Identity Security Cloud (ISC), rules serve as a flexible configuration framework you can leverage to perform complex or advanced configurations. Connector-executed rules are rules that are executed in the ISC virtual appliance (VA), usually extensions of the connector itself, the bridge between the data source and ISC.

This API allows administrators to view existing connector-executed rules, make changes to them, delete them, and create new ones from the available types.

All URIs are relative to

MethodHTTP requestDescription
create-connector-rulePOST /connector-rulesCreate Connector Rule
delete-connector-ruleDELETE /connector-rules/{id}Delete Connector Rule
get-connector-ruleGET /connector-rules/{id}Get Connector Rule
get-connector-rule-listGET /connector-rulesList Connector Rules
put-connector-rulePUT /connector-rules/{id}Update Connector Rule
test-connector-rulePOST /connector-rules/validateValidate Connector Rule


Create Connector Rule Create a connector rule from the available types.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
Bodyconnector_rule_create_requestConnectorRuleCreateRequestTrueConnector rule to create.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData TypeResponse headers
201Created connector rule.ConnectorRuleResponse-
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto-
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response-
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto-
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response-
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto-

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


from sailpoint.v2024.api.connector_rule_management_api import ConnectorRuleManagementApi
from sailpoint.v2024.api_client import ApiClient
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_create_request import ConnectorRuleCreateRequest
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_response import ConnectorRuleResponse
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
configuration = Configuration()

with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
connector_rule_create_request = '''{
"sourceCode" : {
"version" : "1.0",
"script" : "return \"Mr. \" + firstName;"
"signature" : {
"output" : {
"name" : "firstName",
"description" : "the first name of the identity",
"type" : "String"
"input" : [ {
"name" : "firstName",
"description" : "the first name of the identity",
"type" : "String"
}, {
"name" : "firstName",
"description" : "the first name of the identity",
"type" : "String"
} ]
"name" : "WebServiceBeforeOperationRule",
"description" : "This rule does that",
"attributes" : { },
"type" : "BuildMap"
}''' # ConnectorRuleCreateRequest | Connector rule to create.

# Create Connector Rule
new_connector_rule_create_request = ConnectorRuleCreateRequest.from_json(connector_rule_create_request)
results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).create_connector_rule(connector_rule_create_request=new_connector_rule_create_request)
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).create_connector_rule(new_connector_rule_create_request)
print("The response of ConnectorRuleManagementApi->create_connector_rule:\n")
print(results.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, indent=4))
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling ConnectorRuleManagementApi->create_connector_rule: %s\n" % e)

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Delete Connector Rule Delete the connector rule for the given ID.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathidstrTrueID of the connector rule to delete.

Return type

(empty response body)


CodeDescriptionData TypeResponse headers
204No content - indicates the request was successful but there is no content to be returned in the response.-
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto-
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response-
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto-
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto-
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response-
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto-

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


from sailpoint.v2024.api.connector_rule_management_api import ConnectorRuleManagementApi
from sailpoint.v2024.api_client import ApiClient
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
configuration = Configuration()

with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
id = '8c190e6787aa4ed9a90bd9d5344523fb' # str | ID of the connector rule to delete. # str | ID of the connector rule to delete.

# Delete Connector Rule

# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).delete_connector_rule(id)
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling ConnectorRuleManagementApi->delete_connector_rule: %s\n" % e)

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Get Connector Rule Get a connector rule by ID.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathidstrTrueID of the connector rule to get.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData TypeResponse headers
200Connector rule with the given ID.ConnectorRuleResponse-
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto-
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response-
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto-
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto-
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response-
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto-

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


from sailpoint.v2024.api.connector_rule_management_api import ConnectorRuleManagementApi
from sailpoint.v2024.api_client import ApiClient
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_response import ConnectorRuleResponse
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
configuration = Configuration()

with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
id = '8c190e6787aa4ed9a90bd9d5344523fb' # str | ID of the connector rule to get. # str | ID of the connector rule to get.

# Get Connector Rule

results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).get_connector_rule(id=id)
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).get_connector_rule(id)
print("The response of ConnectorRuleManagementApi->get_connector_rule:\n")
print(results.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, indent=4))
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling ConnectorRuleManagementApi->get_connector_rule: %s\n" % e)

[Back to top]


List Connector Rules List existing connector rules.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
Querylimitint(optional) (default to 50)Note that for this API the maximum value for limit is 50. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.
Queryoffsetint(optional) (default to 0)Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with limit to paginate through the results. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.
Querycountbool(optional) (default to False)If true it will populate the X-Total-Count response header with the number of results that would be returned if limit and offset were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send count=true if that value will not be used. See V3 API Standard Collection Parameters for more information.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData TypeResponse headers
200List of connector rules.List[ConnectorRuleResponse]-
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto-
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response-
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto-
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response-
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto-

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


from sailpoint.v2024.api.connector_rule_management_api import ConnectorRuleManagementApi
from sailpoint.v2024.api_client import ApiClient
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_response import ConnectorRuleResponse
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
configuration = Configuration()

with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
limit = 50 # int | Note that for this API the maximum value for limit is 50. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 50) # int | Note that for this API the maximum value for limit is 50. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 50)
offset = 0 # int | Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 0) # int | Offset into the full result set. Usually specified with *limit* to paginate through the results. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to 0)
count = False # bool | If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to False) # bool | If *true* it will populate the *X-Total-Count* response header with the number of results that would be returned if *limit* and *offset* were ignored. Since requesting a total count can have a performance impact, it is recommended not to send **count=true** if that value will not be used. See [V3 API Standard Collection Parameters]( for more information. (optional) (default to False)

# List Connector Rules

results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).get_connector_rule_list()
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).get_connector_rule_list(limit, offset, count)
print("The response of ConnectorRuleManagementApi->get_connector_rule_list:\n")
print(results.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, indent=4))
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling ConnectorRuleManagementApi->get_connector_rule_list: %s\n" % e)

[Back to top]


Update Connector Rule Update an existing connector rule with the one provided in the request body. These fields are immutable: id, name, type

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
PathidstrTrueID of the connector rule to update.
Bodyconnector_rule_update_requestConnectorRuleUpdateRequest(optional)Connector rule with updated data.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData TypeResponse headers
200Updated connector rule.ConnectorRuleResponse-
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto-
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response-
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto-
404Not Found - returned if the request URL refers to a resource or object that does not existErrorResponseDto-
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response-
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto-

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


from sailpoint.v2024.api.connector_rule_management_api import ConnectorRuleManagementApi
from sailpoint.v2024.api_client import ApiClient
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_response import ConnectorRuleResponse
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_update_request import ConnectorRuleUpdateRequest
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
configuration = Configuration()

with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
id = '8c190e6787aa4ed9a90bd9d5344523fb' # str | ID of the connector rule to update. # str | ID of the connector rule to update.
connector_rule_update_request = '''{
"sourceCode" : {
"version" : "1.0",
"script" : "return \"Mr. \" + firstName;"
"signature" : {
"output" : {
"name" : "firstName",
"description" : "the first name of the identity",
"type" : "String"
"input" : [ {
"name" : "firstName",
"description" : "the first name of the identity",
"type" : "String"
}, {
"name" : "firstName",
"description" : "the first name of the identity",
"type" : "String"
} ]
"name" : "WebServiceBeforeOperationRule",
"description" : "This rule does that",
"attributes" : { },
"id" : "8113d48c0b914f17b4c6072d4dcb9dfe",
"type" : "BuildMap"
}''' # ConnectorRuleUpdateRequest | Connector rule with updated data. (optional)

# Update Connector Rule

results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).put_connector_rule(id=id)
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).put_connector_rule(id, new_connector_rule_update_request)
print("The response of ConnectorRuleManagementApi->put_connector_rule:\n")
print(results.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, indent=4))
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling ConnectorRuleManagementApi->put_connector_rule: %s\n" % e)

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Validate Connector Rule Detect issues within the connector rule's code to fix and list them.

API Spec


Param TypeNameData TypeRequiredDescription
Bodysource_codeSourceCodeTrueCode to validate.

Return type



CodeDescriptionData TypeResponse headers
200Status of the code's eligibility as a connector rule.ConnectorRuleValidationResponse-
400Client Error - Returned if the request body is invalid.ErrorResponseDto-
401Unauthorized - Returned if there is no authorization header, or if the JWT token is expired.ListAccessProfiles401Response-
403Forbidden - Returned if the user you are running as, doesn't have access to this end-point.ErrorResponseDto-
429Too Many Requests - Returned in response to too many requests in a given period of time - rate limited. The Retry-After header in the response includes how long to wait before trying again.ListAccessProfiles429Response-
500Internal Server Error - Returned if there is an unexpected error.ErrorResponseDto-

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


from sailpoint.v2024.api.connector_rule_management_api import ConnectorRuleManagementApi
from sailpoint.v2024.api_client import ApiClient
from sailpoint.v2024.models.connector_rule_validation_response import ConnectorRuleValidationResponse
from sailpoint.v2024.models.source_code import SourceCode
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
configuration = Configuration()

with ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
source_code = '''{
"version" : "1.0",
"script" : "return \"Mr. \" + firstName;"
}''' # SourceCode | Code to validate.

# Validate Connector Rule
new_source_code = SourceCode.from_json(source_code)
results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).test_connector_rule(source_code=new_source_code)
# Below is a request that includes all optional parameters
# results = ConnectorRuleManagementApi(api_client).test_connector_rule(new_source_code)
print("The response of ConnectorRuleManagementApi->test_connector_rule:\n")
print(results.model_dump_json(by_alias=True, indent=4))
except Exception as e:
print("Exception when calling ConnectorRuleManagementApi->test_connector_rule: %s\n" % e)

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