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Error Handling with The Python SDK

The Python SDK returns key exceptions if the request fails. You can find these exceptions at sailpoint.v3.exceptions.

Here is an example of the error handling process. In this example, name rt "Test" isn't a valid filter, which causes the function to return a 400 'bad request' exception message. Line 11 will catch that 'bad request' response, and you can log the appropriate message. This example will also catch 401 'unauthorized' and 500 'service exception' messages:

import sailpoint
import sailpoint.v3
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
from sailpoint.v3.exceptions import BadRequestException, UnauthorizedException, ServiceException

configuration = Configuration()
api_client = sailpoint.v3.ApiClient(configuration)

transforms = sailpoint.v3.TransformsApi(api_client).list_transforms(filters='name rt "Test"')
except BadRequestException as e:
print("Exception when calling TransformsApi->list_transforms: %s\n" % e)
except UnauthorizedException as e:
print("Unauthorized exception when calling TransformsApi->list_transforms: %s\n" % e)
except ServiceException as e:
print("Service exception when calling TransformsApi->list_transforms: %s\n" % e)

If you don't want the program to exit for any error response, you can include pass in each of your except blocks after printing the error message, as you can see in this example:

import sailpoint
import sailpoint.v3
from sailpoint.configuration import Configuration
from sailpoint.v3.exceptions import BadRequestException, UnauthorizedException, ServiceException

configuration = Configuration()
api_client = sailpoint.v3.ApiClient(configuration)

transforms = sailpoint.v3.TransformsApi(api_client).list_transforms(filters='name rt "Test"')
except BadRequestException as e:
print("Exception when calling TransformsApi->list_transforms: %s\n" % e)
except UnauthorizedException as e:
print("Unauthorized exception when calling TransformsApi->list_transforms: %s\n" % e)
except ServiceException as e:
print("Service exception when calling TransformsApi->list_transforms: %s\n" % e)