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Representation of the object which is returned from source connectors.


instancestrIdentifier of the specific instance where this object resides.[optional] [readonly]
identitystrNative identity of the object in the Source.[optional] [readonly]
uuidstrUniversal unique identifier of the object in the Source.[optional] [readonly]
previous_identitystrNative identity that the object has previously.[optional] [readonly]
namestrDisplay name for this object.[optional] [readonly]
object_typestrType of object.[optional] [readonly]
incompleteboolA flag indicating that this is an incomplete object. Used in special cases where the connector has to return account information in several phases and the objects might not have a complete set of all account attributes. The attributes in this object will replace the corresponding attributes in the Link, but no other Link attributes will be changed.[optional] [readonly]
incrementalboolA flag indicating that this is an incremental change object. This is similar to incomplete but it also means that the values of any multi-valued attributes in this object should be merged with the existing values in the Link rather than replacing the existing Link value.[optional] [readonly]
deleteboolA flag indicating that this object has been deleted. This is set only when doing delta aggregation and the connector supports detection of native deletes.[optional] [readonly]
removeboolA flag set indicating that the values in the attributes represent things to remove rather than things to add. Setting this implies incremental. The values which are always for multi-valued attributes are removed from the current values.[optional] [readonly]
missing[]strA list of attribute names that are not included in this object. This is only used with SMConnector and will only contain "groups".[optional] [readonly]
attributesobjectAttributes of this ResourceObject.[optional] [readonly]
final_updateboolIn Aggregation, for sparse object the count for total accounts scanned identities updated is not incremented.[optional] [readonly]


from sailpoint.beta.models.resource_object import ResourceObject

resource_object = ResourceObject(
identity='CN=Aaron Carr,OU=test1,DC=test2,DC=test',
name='Aaron Carr',
missing=[missFieldOne, missFieldTwo],
attributes={telephoneNumber=12-(345)678-9012,, displayName=Aaron Carr},

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