Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | Unique identifier for the Service Desk integration | [optional] |
Name | String | Service Desk integration's name. The name must be unique. | [required] |
Created | System.DateTime | The date and time the Service Desk integration was created | [optional] |
Modified | System.DateTime | The date and time the Service Desk integration was last modified | [optional] |
Description | String | Service Desk integration's description. | [required] |
Type | String | Service Desk integration types: - ServiceNowSDIM - ServiceNow | [required][default to "ServiceNowSDIM"] |
OwnerRef | OwnerDto | [optional] | |
ClusterRef | SourceClusterDto | [optional] | |
Cluster | String | Cluster ID for the Service Desk integration (replaced by clusterRef, retained for backward compatibility). | [optional] |
ManagedSources | []String | Source IDs for the Service Desk integration (replaced by provisioningConfig.managedSResourceRefs, but retained here for backward compatibility). | [optional] |
ProvisioningConfig | ProvisioningConfig | [optional] | |
Attributes | [map[string]AnyType] | Service Desk integration's attributes. Validation constraints enforced by the implementation. | [required] |
BeforeProvisioningRule | BeforeProvisioningRuleDto | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$ServiceDeskIntegrationDto = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3ServiceDeskIntegrationDto -Id 62945a496ef440189b1f03e3623411c8 `
-Name Service Desk Integration Name `
-Created 2024-01-17T18:45:25.994Z `
-Modified 2024-02-18T18:45:25.994Z `
-Description A very nice Service Desk integration `
-Type ServiceNowSDIM `
-OwnerRef null `
-ClusterRef null `
-Cluster xyzzy999 `
-ManagedSources [2c9180835d191a86015d28455b4a2329, 2c5680835d191a85765d28455b4a9823] `
-ProvisioningConfig null `
-Attributes {property=value, key=value} `
-BeforeProvisioningRule null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$ServiceDeskIntegrationDto | ConvertTo-JSON