Name | Type | Description | Notes |
HasPermissions | Boolean | Indicates whether the entitlement has permissions. | [optional] [default to $false] |
Description | String | Entitlement's description. | [optional] |
Attribute | String | Entitlement attribute's name. | [optional] |
Value | String | Entitlement's value. | [optional] |
Schema | String | Entitlement's schema. | [optional] |
Privileged | Boolean | Indicates whether the entitlement is privileged. | [optional] [default to $false] |
Id | String | Entitlement's ID. | [optional] |
Name | String | Entitlement's name. | [optional] |
SourceSchemaObjectType | String | Schema objectType. | [optional] |
Hash | String | Read-only calculated hash value of an entitlement. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$RoleDocumentAllOfEntitlements = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3RoleDocumentAllOfEntitlements -HasPermissions false `
-Description Cloud engineering `
-Attribute memberOf `
-Value CN=Cloud Engineering,DC=sailpoint,DC=COM `
-Schema group `
-Privileged false `
-Id 2c918084575812550157589064f33b89 `
-Name CN=Cloud Engineering,DC=sailpoint,DC=COM `
-SourceSchemaObjectType group `
-Hash c6fab95235584cca98a454a2f51e5683bc77d6a0
- Convert the resource to JSON
$RoleDocumentAllOfEntitlements | ConvertTo-JSON