Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | String | Display name of the account for the user | [optional] |
Type | DtoType | [optional] | |
AccountUuid | String | The uuid for the account | [optional] |
AccountId | String | The native identity for the account | [optional] |
SourceName | String | Display name of the source for the account | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$RequestedAccountRef = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3RequestedAccountRef -Name Glen.067da3248e914 `
-Type null `
-AccountUuid {fab7119e-004f-4822-9c33-b8d570d6c6a6} `
-AccountId CN=Glen 067da3248e914,OU=YOUROU,OU=org-data-service,DC=YOURDC,DC=local `
-SourceName Multi Account AD source name
- Convert the resource to JSON
$RequestedAccountRef | ConvertTo-JSON