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RoleEnum [ "SAML_IDP" ]Federation protocol role[optional]
EntityIdStringAn entity ID is a globally unique name for a SAML entity, either an Identity Provider (IDP) or a Service Provider (SP).[optional]
BindingStringDefines the binding used for the SAML flow. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
AuthContextStringSpecifies the SAML authentication method to use. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
LogoutUrlStringThe IDP logout URL. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
IncludeAuthContextBooleanDetermines if the configured AuthnContext should be used or the default. Used with IDP configurations.[optional] [default to $false]
NameIdStringThe name id format to use. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
CertStringThe Base64-encoded certificate used by the IDP. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
LoginUrlPostStringThe IDP POST URL, used with IDP HTTP-POST bindings for IDP-initiated logins. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
LoginUrlRedirectStringThe IDP Redirect URL. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
MappingAttributeStringReturn the saml Id for the given user, based on the IDN as SP settings of the org. Used with IDP configurations.[optional]
CertificateExpirationDateStringThe expiration date extracted from the certificate.[optional]
CertificateNameStringThe name extracted from the certificate.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$IdpDetails = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3IdpDetails  -Role SAML_IDP `
-EntityId `
-Binding urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST `
-AuthContext urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport `
-LogoutUrl `
-IncludeAuthContext false `
-NameId urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress `
-JitConfiguration null `
-Cert -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----****-----END CERTIFICATE----- `
-LoginUrlPost `
-LoginUrlRedirect `
-MappingAttribute email `
-CertificateExpirationDate Fri Mar 08 08:54:24 UTC 2013 `
-CertificateName OU=Conext, O=Surfnet, L=Utrecht, ST=Utrecht, C=NL
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$IdpDetails | ConvertTo-JSON

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