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EntitlementDecisionsMadeInt32Number of entitlement decisions that have been made[optional]
AccessProfileDecisionsMadeInt32Number of access profile decisions that have been made[optional]
RoleDecisionsMadeInt32Number of role decisions that have been made[optional]
AccountDecisionsMadeInt32Number of account decisions that have been made[optional]
EntitlementDecisionsTotalInt32The total number of entitlement decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete[optional]
AccessProfileDecisionsTotalInt32The total number of access profile decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete[optional]
RoleDecisionsTotalInt32The total number of role decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete[optional]
AccountDecisionsTotalInt32The total number of account decisions on the certification, both complete and incomplete[optional]
EntitlementsApprovedInt32The number of entitlement decisions that have been made which were approved[optional]
EntitlementsRevokedInt32The number of entitlement decisions that have been made which were revoked[optional]
AccessProfilesApprovedInt32The number of access profile decisions that have been made which were approved[optional]
AccessProfilesRevokedInt32The number of access profile decisions that have been made which were revoked[optional]
RolesApprovedInt32The number of role decisions that have been made which were approved[optional]
RolesRevokedInt32The number of role decisions that have been made which were revoked[optional]
AccountsApprovedInt32The number of account decisions that have been made which were approved[optional]
AccountsRevokedInt32The number of account decisions that have been made which were revoked[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$IdentityCertDecisionSummary = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3IdentityCertDecisionSummary  -EntitlementDecisionsMade 3 `
-AccessProfileDecisionsMade 5 `
-RoleDecisionsMade 2 `
-AccountDecisionsMade 4 `
-EntitlementDecisionsTotal 6 `
-AccessProfileDecisionsTotal 10 `
-RoleDecisionsTotal 4 `
-AccountDecisionsTotal 8 `
-EntitlementsApproved 2 `
-EntitlementsRevoked 1 `
-AccessProfilesApproved 3 `
-AccessProfilesRevoked 2 `
-RolesApproved 2 `
-RolesRevoked 0 `
-AccountsApproved 1 `
-AccountsRevoked 3
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$IdentityCertDecisionSummary | ConvertTo-JSON

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