Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Values | [[]SystemCollectionsHashtable] | An array of attributes to evaluate for existence. | [required] |
IgnoreErrors | Boolean | a true or false value representing to move on to the next option if an error (like an Null Pointer Exception) were to occur. | [optional] [default to $false] |
RequiresPeriodicRefresh | Boolean | A value that indicates whether the transform logic should be re-evaluated every evening as part of the identity refresh process | [optional] [default to $false] |
- Prepare the resource
$FirstValid = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3FirstValid -Values [{attributes={sourceName=Active Directory, attributeName=sAMAccountName}, type=accountAttribute}, {attributes={sourceName=Okta, attributeName=login}, type=accountAttribute}, {attributes={sourceName=HR Source, attributeName=employeeID}, type=accountAttribute}] `
-IgnoreErrors false `
-RequiresPeriodicRefresh false
- Convert the resource to JSON
$FirstValid | ConvertTo-JSON