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IdStringID of the entitlement.[optional]
NameStringName of the entitlement.[optional]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeISO-8601 date-time referring to the time when the object was created.[optional]
SyncedStringISO-8601 date-time referring to the date-time when object was queued to be synced into search database for use in the search API. This date-time changes anytime there is an update to the object, which triggers a synchronization event being sent to the search database. There may be some delay between the synced time and the time when the updated data is actually available in the search API.[optional]
ActionStringName of the event as it's displayed in audit reports.[optional]
TypeStringEvent type. Refer to Event Types for a list of event types and their meanings.[optional]
StackStringThe event's stack.[optional]
TrackingNumberStringID of the group of events.[optional]
IpAddressStringTarget system's IP address.[optional]
DetailsStringID of event's details.[optional]
Attributes[map[string]AnyType] involved in the event.[optional]
Objects[]StringObjects the event is happening to.[optional]
OperationStringOperation, or action, performed during the event.[optional]
StatusStringEvent status. Refer to Event Statuses for a list of event statuses and their meanings.[optional]
TechnicalNameStringEvent's normalized name. This normalized name always follows the pattern of 'objects_operation_status'.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$EventDocument = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3EventDocument  -Id 2c91808375d8e80a0175e1f88a575222 `
-Name Add Entitlement Passed `
-Created 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Synced 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Action AddEntitlement `
-Actor null `
-Target null `
-Stack tpe `
-TrackingNumber 63f891e0735f4cc8bf1968144a1e7440 `
-IpAddress `
-Details 73b65dfbed1842548c207432a18c84b0 `
-Attributes {pod=stg03-useast1, org=acme, sourceName=SailPoint} `
-Objects null `
-Operation ADD `
-Status PASSED `
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$EventDocument | ConvertTo-JSON

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