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IdStringID of the referenced object.[required]
NameStringThe human readable name of the referenced object.[required]
ModifiedSystem.DateTimeISO-8601 date-time referring to the time when the object was last modified.[optional]
SyncedStringISO-8601 date-time referring to the date-time when object was queued to be synced into search database for use in the search API. This date-time changes anytime there is an update to the object, which triggers a synchronization event being sent to the search database. There may be some delay between the synced time and the time when the updated data is actually available in the search API.[optional]
DisplayNameStringEntitlement's display name.[optional]
Segments[]BaseSegmentSegments with the entitlement.[optional]
SegmentCountInt32Number of segments with the role.[optional]
RequestableBooleanIndicates whether the entitlement is requestable.[optional] [default to $false]
CloudGovernedBooleanIndicates whether the entitlement is cloud governed.[optional] [default to $false]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeISO-8601 date-time referring to the time when the object was created.[optional]
PrivilegedBooleanIndicates whether the entitlement is privileged.[optional] [default to $false]
Tags[]StringTags that have been applied to the object.[optional]
AttributeStringAttribute information for the entitlement.[optional]
ValueStringValue of the entitlement.[optional]
SourceSchemaObjectTypeStringSource schema object type of the entitlement.[optional]
SchemaStringSchema type of the entitlement.[optional]
HashStringRead-only calculated hash value of an entitlement.[optional]
Attributes[map[string]AnyType] of the entitlement.[optional]
TruncatedAttributes[]StringTruncated attributes of the entitlement.[optional]
ContainsDataAccessBooleanIndicates whether the entitlement contains data access.[optional] [default to $false]


  • Prepare the resource
$EntitlementDocument = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3EntitlementDocument  -Id 2c91808375d8e80a0175e1f88a575222 `
-Name john.doe `
-Modified 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Synced null `
-DisplayName Admin `
-Source null `
-Segments null `
-SegmentCount 1 `
-Requestable false `
-CloudGoverned false `
-Created 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Privileged false `
-Tags [TAG_1, TAG_2] `
-Attribute groups `
-Value 1733ff75-441e-4327-9bfc-3ac445fd8cd1 `
-SourceSchemaObjectType group `
-Schema group `
-Hash c6fab95235584cca98a454a2f51e5683bc77d6a0 `
-Attributes null `
-TruncatedAttributes null `
-ContainsDataAccess null `
-ManuallyUpdatedFields null `
-Permissions null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$EntitlementDocument | ConvertTo-JSON

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