Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ClientId | String | Log configuration's client ID | [optional] |
DurationMinutes | Int32 | Duration in minutes for log configuration to remain in effect before resetting to defaults. | [optional] [default to 240] |
Expiration | System.DateTime | Expiration date-time of the log configuration request. Can be no greater than 24 hours from current date-time. | [optional] |
RootLevel | StandardLevel | [required] | |
LogLevels | map[string]StandardLevel | Mapping of identifiers to Standard Log Level values | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$ClientLogConfiguration = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3ClientLogConfiguration -ClientId 3a38a51992e8445ab51a549c0a70ee66 `
-DurationMinutes 120 `
-Expiration 2024-11-06T01:31:08.013164Z `
-RootLevel null `
-LogLevels INFO
- Convert the resource to JSON
$ClientLogConfiguration | ConvertTo-JSON