Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | Item id | [optional] |
Name | String | Human-readable display name of item | [optional] |
Requested | System.DateTime | Date and time item was requested | [optional] |
ApprovalStatus | AccountActivityApprovalStatus | [optional] | |
ProvisioningStatus | ProvisioningState | [optional] | |
RequesterComment | Comment | [optional] | |
ReviewerIdentitySummary | IdentitySummary | [optional] | |
ReviewerComment | Comment | [optional] | |
Operation | AccountActivityItemOperation | [optional] | |
Attribute | String | Attribute to which account activity applies | [optional] |
Value | String | Value of attribute | [optional] |
NativeIdentity | String | Native identity in the target system to which the account activity applies | [optional] |
SourceId | String | Id of Source to which account activity applies | [optional] |
AccountRequestInfo | AccountRequestInfo | [optional] | |
ClientMetadata | map[string]String | Arbitrary key-value pairs, if any were included in the corresponding access request item | [optional] |
RemoveDate | System.DateTime | The date the role or access profile or entitlement is no longer assigned to the specified identity. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$AccountActivityItem = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3AccountActivityItem -Id 48c545831b264409a81befcabb0e3c5a `
-Name 48c545831b264409a81befcabb0e3c5a `
-Requested 2017-07-11T18:45:37.098Z `
-ApprovalStatus null `
-ProvisioningStatus null `
-RequesterComment null `
-ReviewerIdentitySummary null `
-ReviewerComment null `
-Operation null `
-Attribute detectedRoles `
-Value Treasury Analyst [AccessProfile-1529010191212] `
-NativeIdentity Sandie.Camero `
-SourceId 2c91808363ef85290164000587130c0c `
-AccountRequestInfo null `
-ClientMetadata {customKey1=custom value 1, customKey2=custom value 2} `
-RemoveDate 2020-07-11T00:00Z
- Convert the resource to JSON
$AccountActivityItem | ConvertTo-JSON