Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | System-generated unique ID of the Object | [optional] [readonly] |
Name | String | Name of the Object | [required] |
Created | System.DateTime | Creation date of the Object | [optional] [readonly] |
Modified | System.DateTime | Last modification date of the Object | [optional] [readonly] |
SourceId | String | The unique ID of the source this account belongs to | [required] |
SourceName | String | The display name of the source this account belongs to | [required] |
IdentityId | String | The unique ID of the identity this account is correlated to | [optional] |
CloudLifecycleState | String | The lifecycle state of the identity this account is correlated to | [optional] |
IdentityState | String | The identity state of the identity this account is correlated to | [optional] |
ConnectionType | String | The connection type of the source this account is from | [optional] |
IsMachine | Boolean | Indicates if the account is of machine type | [optional] [default to $false] |
Recommendation | Recommendation | [optional] | |
Attributes | [map[string]AnyType] | The account attributes that are aggregated | [required] |
Authoritative | Boolean | Indicates if this account is from an authoritative source | [required] |
Description | String | A description of the account | [optional] |
Disabled | Boolean | Indicates if the account is currently disabled | [required] |
Locked | Boolean | Indicates if the account is currently locked | [required] |
NativeIdentity | String | The unique ID of the account generated by the source system | [required] |
SystemAccount | Boolean | If true, this is a user account within IdentityNow. If false, this is an account from a source system. | [required] |
Uncorrelated | Boolean | Indicates if this account is not correlated to an identity | [required] |
Uuid | String | The unique ID of the account as determined by the account schema | [optional] |
ManuallyCorrelated | Boolean | Indicates if the account has been manually correlated to an identity | [required] |
HasEntitlements | Boolean | Indicates if the account has entitlements | [required] |
Identity | BaseReferenceDto | [optional] | |
SourceOwner | BaseReferenceDto | [optional] | |
Features | String | A string list containing the owning source's features | [optional] |
Origin | Enum [ "AGGREGATED", "PROVISIONED" ] | The origin of the account either aggregated or provisioned | [optional] |
OwnerIdentity | BaseReferenceDto | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$Account = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V3Account -Id id12345 `
-Name aName `
-Created 2015-05-28T14:07:17Z `
-Modified 2015-05-28T14:07:17Z `
-SourceId 2c9180835d2e5168015d32f890ca1581 `
-SourceName Employees `
-IdentityId 2c9180835d2e5168015d32f890ca1581 `
-CloudLifecycleState active `
-IdentityState ACTIVE `
-ConnectionType direct `
-IsMachine true `
-Recommendation null `
-Attributes {firstName=SailPoint, lastName=Support, displayName=SailPoint Support} `
-Authoritative false `
-Description null `
-Disabled false `
-Locked false `
-NativeIdentity 552775 `
-SystemAccount false `
-Uncorrelated false `
-Uuid {b0dce506-d6d4-44d2-8a32-d9a5b21fb175} `
-ManuallyCorrelated false `
-HasEntitlements true `
-Identity null `
-SourceOwner null `
-Features ENABLE `
-OwnerIdentity null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$Account | ConvertTo-JSON