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IdStringOperator ID.[optional]
NameStringOperator friendly name[optional]
TypeStringOperator type[optional]
DescriptionStringDescription of the operator[optional]
IsDynamicSchemaBooleanDetermines whether the dynamic output schema is returned in place of the action's output schema. The dynamic schema lists non-static properties, like properties of a workflow form where each form has different fields. These will be provided dynamically based on available form fields.[optional]
FormFields[]WorkflowLibraryFormFieldsOne or more inputs that the operator accepts[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$WorkflowLibraryOperator = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024WorkflowLibraryOperator  -Id sp:compare-boolean `
-Name Compare Boolean Values `
-Description Compare two boolean values and decide what happens based on the result. `
-IsDynamicSchema false `
-Deprecated null `
-DeprecatedBy null `
-IsSimulationEnabled null `
-FormFields [{description=Enter the JSONPath to a value from the input to compare to Variable B., helpText=, label=Variable A, name=variableA.$, required=true, type=text}, {helpText=Select an operation., label=Operation, name=operator, options=[{label=Equals, value=BooleanEquals}], required=true, type=select}, {description=Enter the JSONPath to a value from the input to compare to Variable A., helpText=, label=Variable B, name=variableB.$, required=false, type=text}, {description=Enter True or False., helpText=, label=Variable B, name=variableB, required=false, type=text}]
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$WorkflowLibraryOperator | ConvertTo-JSON

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