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DescriptionStringDescription of the form field[optional]
HelpTextStringDescribes the form field in the UI[optional]
LabelStringA human readable name for this form field in the UI[optional]
NameStringThe name of the input attribute[optional]
RequiredBooleanDenotes if this field is a required attribute[optional] [default to $false]
TypeEnum [ "text", "textarea", "boolean", "email", "url", "number", "json", "checkbox", "jsonpath", "select", "multiType", "duration", "toggle", "formPicker", "identityPicker", "governanceGroupPicker", "string", "object", "array", "secret", "keyValuePairs", "emailPicker", "advancedToggle", "variableCreator", "htmlEditor" ]The type of the form field[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$WorkflowLibraryFormFields = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024WorkflowLibraryFormFields  -Description First value to compare `
-HelpText The name to give to this certification campaign. `
-Label Campaign Name `
-Name name `
-Required false `
-Type text
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$WorkflowLibraryFormFields | ConvertTo-JSON

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