AccessRequestId | String | The unique ID of the access request. | [required] |
RequestedFor | []AccessItemRequestedForDto | Identities access was requested for. | [required] |
RequestedItems | []AccessRequestPreApprovalRequestedItemsInner | Details of the access items being requested. | [required] |
RequestedBy | AccessItemRequesterDto | | [required] |
RequestedItemsStatus | []AccessRequestPostApprovalRequestedItemsStatusInner | Details on the outcome of each access item. | [required] |
Source | AccountUncorrelatedSource | | [required] |
Status | Enum [ "Success", "Failed", "Terminated" ] | The overall status of the collection. | [required] |
Started | System.DateTime | The date and time when the account collection started. | [required] |
Completed | System.DateTime | The date and time when the account collection finished. | [required] |
Errors | []String | A list of any accumulated error messages that occurred during provisioning. | [required] |
Warnings | []String | A list of any accumulated warning messages that occurred during provisioning. | [required] |
Stats | AccountsCollectedForAggregationStats | | [required] |
Identity | IdentityDeletedIdentity | | [required] |
Account | AccountUncorrelatedAccount | | [required] |
Changes | []IdentityAttributesChangedChangesInner | A list of one or more identity attributes that changed on the identity. | [required] |
Attributes | [map[string]AnyType] | The attributes of the account. The contents of attributes depends on the account schema for the source. | [required] |
EntitlementCount | Int32 | The number of entitlements associated with this account. | [optional] |
Campaign | CampaignGeneratedCampaign | | [required] |
Certification | CertificationSignedOffCertification | | [required] |
TrackingNumber | String | The reference number of the provisioning request. Useful for tracking status in the Account Activity search interface. | [required] |
Sources | String | One or more sources that the provisioning transaction(s) were done against. Sources are comma separated. | [required] |
Action | String | Origin of where the provisioning request came from. | [optional] |
Recipient | ProvisioningCompletedRecipient | | [required] |
Requester | ProvisioningCompletedRequester | | [optional] |
AccountRequests | []ProvisioningCompletedAccountRequestsInner | A list of provisioning instructions to perform on an account-by-account basis. | [required] |
FileName | String | A name for the report file. | [required] |
OwnerEmail | String | The email address of the identity that owns the saved search. | [required] |
OwnerName | String | The name of the identity that owns the saved search. | [required] |
Query | String | The search query that was used to generate the report. | [required] |
SearchName | String | The name of the saved search. | [required] |
SearchResults | SavedSearchCompleteSearchResults | | [required] |
SignedS3Url | String | The Amazon S3 URL to download the report from. | [required] |
Uuid | String | Source unique identifier for the identity. UUID is generated by the source system. | [optional] |
Id | String | The unique ID of the source. | [required] |
NativeIdentifier | String | Unique ID of the account on the source. | [required] |
SourceId | String | The ID of the source. | [required] |
SourceName | String | The name of the source. | [required] |
IdentityId | String | The ID of the identity that is correlated with this account. | [required] |
IdentityName | String | The name of the identity that is correlated with this account. | [required] |
Name | String | The user friendly name of the source. | [required] |
Type | String | The connection type of the source. | [required] |
Created | System.DateTime | The date and time the status change occurred. | [required] |
Connector | String | The connector type used to connect to the source. | [required] |
Actor | SourceUpdatedActor | | [required] |
Deleted | System.DateTime | The date and time the source was deleted. | [required] |
Modified | System.DateTime | The date and time the source was modified. | [required] |
Application | VAClusterStatusChangeEventApplication | | [required] |
HealthCheckResult | VAClusterStatusChangeEventHealthCheckResult | | [required] |
PreviousHealthCheckResult | VAClusterStatusChangeEventPreviousHealthCheckResult | | [required] |