Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Name | String | Unique name of this transform | [required] |
Type | Enum [ "accountAttribute", "base64Decode", "base64Encode", "concat", "conditional", "dateCompare", "dateFormat", "dateMath", "decomposeDiacriticalMarks", "e164phone", "firstValid", "rule", "identityAttribute", "indexOf", "iso3166", "lastIndexOf", "leftPad", "lookup", "lower", "normalizeNames", "randomAlphaNumeric", "randomNumeric", "reference", "replaceAll", "replace", "rightPad", "split", "static", "substring", "trim", "upper", "usernameGenerator", "uuid", "displayName", "rfc5646" ] | The type of transform operation | [required] |
Attributes | TransformAttributes | [required] | |
Id | String | Unique ID of this transform | [required] |
Internal | Boolean | Indicates whether this is an internal SailPoint-created transform or a customer-created transform | [required][default to $false] |
- Prepare the resource
$TransformRead = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024TransformRead -Name Timestamp To Date `
-Type dateFormat `
-Attributes null `
-Id 2cd78adghjkja34jh2b1hkjhasuecd `
-Internal false
- Convert the resource to JSON
$TransformRead | ConvertTo-JSON