Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | System-generated unique ID of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Type | Enum [ "QUARTZ", "QPOC", "QUEUED_TASK" ] | Type of task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
UniqueName | String | Name of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Description | String | Description of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
ParentName | String | Name of the parent of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Launcher | String | Service to execute the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Target | Target | [optional] | |
Created | System.DateTime | Creation date of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Modified | System.DateTime | Last modification date of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Launched | System.DateTime | Launch date of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Completed | System.DateTime | Completion date of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
CompletionStatus | Enum [ "SUCCESS", "WARNING", "ERROR", "TERMINATED", "TEMPERROR" ] | Completion status of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Messages | []TaskStatusMessage | Messages associated with the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Returns | []TaskReturnDetails | Return values from the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Attributes | [map[string]AnyType]https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/lang-spec/chapter-04?view=powershell-7.4 | Attributes of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
Progress | String | Current progress of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
PercentComplete | Int32 | Current percentage completion of the task this TaskStatus represents | [required] |
TaskDefinitionSummary | TaskDefinitionSummary | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$TaskStatus = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024TaskStatus -Id id12345 `
-Type QUARTZ `
-UniqueName Big Task `
-Description A Really Big Task `
-ParentName Parent Task `
-Launcher sweep `
-Target null `
-Created 2020-07-11T21:23:15Z `
-Modified 2020-07-11T21:23:15Z `
-Launched 2020-07-11T21:23:15Z `
-Completed 2020-07-11T21:23:15Z `
-CompletionStatus SUCCESS `
-Messages null `
-Returns null `
-Attributes {identityCount=0} `
-Progress Started `
-PercentComplete 100 `
-TaskDefinitionSummary null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$TaskStatus | ConvertTo-JSON