Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IdentityProfiles | []IdentityProfilesConnections | The IdentityProfile attached to this source | [optional] |
CredentialProfiles | []String | Name of the CredentialProfile attached to this source | [optional] |
SourceAttributes | []String | The attributes attached to this source | [optional] |
MappingProfiles | []String | The profiles attached to this source | [optional] |
DependentCustomTransforms | []TransformRead | A list of custom transforms associated with this source. A transform will be considered associated with a source if any attributes of the transform specify the source as the sourceName. | [optional] |
DependentApps | []DependantAppConnections | [optional] | |
MissingDependents | []DependantConnectionsMissingDto | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$SourceConnectionsDto = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024SourceConnectionsDto -IdentityProfiles null `
-CredentialProfiles null `
-SourceAttributes null `
-MappingProfiles [ODS-AD-Profile, ODS-Profile2] `
-DependentCustomTransforms [{id=61190eae-290b-4335-aeb8-7335f1fd99cb, name=Split Transform, type=split, attributes={delimiter=-, index=1, input={attributes={sourceName=Example CSV Source, attributeName=last_name}, type=accountAttribute}}, internal=false}] `
-DependentApps null `
-MissingDependents null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$SourceConnectionsDto | ConvertTo-JSON