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NameStringThe name of the scheduled search.[optional]
DescriptionStringThe description of the scheduled search.[optional]
SavedSearchIdStringThe ID of the saved search that will be executed.[required]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeThe date the scheduled search was initially created.[optional] [readonly]
ModifiedSystem.DateTimeThe last date the scheduled search was modified.[optional] [readonly]
Recipients[]SearchScheduleRecipientsInnerA list of identities that should receive the scheduled search report via email.[required]
EnabledBooleanIndicates if the scheduled search is enabled.[optional] [default to $false]
EmailEmptyResultsBooleanIndicates if email generation should occur when search returns no results.[optional] [default to $false]
DisplayQueryDetailsBooleanIndicates if the generated email should include the query and search results preview (which could include PII).[optional] [default to $false]
IdStringThe scheduled search ID.[required][readonly]
OwnerIdStringThe ID of the scheduled search owner. Please use the id in the owner object instead.[required][readonly]


  • Prepare the resource
$ScheduledSearch = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024ScheduledSearch  -Name Daily disabled accounts `
-Description Daily disabled accounts `
-SavedSearchId 554f1511-f0a1-4744-ab14-599514d3e57c `
-Created 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Modified 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Schedule null `
-Recipients null `
-Enabled false `
-EmailEmptyResults false `
-DisplayQueryDetails false `
-Id 0de46054-fe90-434a-b84e-c6b3359d0c64 `
-Owner null `
-OwnerId 2c9180867624cbd7017642d8c8c81f67
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$ScheduledSearch | ConvertTo-JSON

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