Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Type | ScheduleType | [required] | |
Months | Schedule2Months | [optional] | |
Days | Schedule2Days | [optional] | |
Hours | Schedule2Hours | [required] | |
Expiration | System.DateTime | A date-time in ISO-8601 format | [optional] |
TimeZoneId | String | The canonical TZ identifier the schedule will run in (ex. America/New_York). If no timezone is specified, the org's default timezone is used. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$Schedule2 = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024Schedule2 -Type null `
-Months null `
-Days null `
-Hours null `
-Expiration 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-TimeZoneId America/Chicago
- Convert the resource to JSON
$Schedule2 | ConvertTo-JSON