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NameStringThe name of the saved search.[optional]
DescriptionStringThe description of the saved search.[optional]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeA date-time in ISO-8601 format[optional]
ModifiedSystem.DateTimeA date-time in ISO-8601 format[optional]
Indices[]IndexThe names of the Elasticsearch indices in which to search.[required]
Columnsmap[string]Column[]The columns to be returned (specifies the order in which they will be presented) for each document type. The currently supported document types are: accessprofile, accountactivity, account, aggregation, entitlement, event, identity, and role.[optional]
QueryStringThe search query using Elasticsearch Query String Query syntax from the Query DSL.[required]
Fields[]StringThe fields to be searched against in a multi-field query.[optional]
OrderBymap[string]String[]Sort by index. This takes precedence over the sort property.[optional]
Sort[]StringThe fields to be used to sort the search results.[optional]
IdStringThe saved search ID.[optional]
OwnerIdStringThe ID of the identity that owns this saved search.[optional]
PublicBooleanWhether this saved search is visible to anyone but the owner. This field will always be false as there is no way to set a saved search as public at this time.[optional] [default to $false]


  • Prepare the resource
$SavedSearch = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024SavedSearch  -Name Disabled accounts `
-Description Disabled accounts `
-Created 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Modified 2018-06-25T20:22:28.104Z `
-Indices [identities] `
-Columns {identity=[{field=displayName, header=Display Name}, {field=e-mail, header=Work Email}]} `
-Query @accounts(disabled:true) `
-Fields [disabled] `
-OrderBy {identity=[lastName, firstName], role=[name]} `
-Sort [displayName] `
-Filters null `
-Id 0de46054-fe90-434a-b84e-c6b3359d0c64 `
-Owner null `
-OwnerId 2c91808568c529c60168cca6f90c1313 `
-Public false
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$SavedSearch | ConvertTo-JSON

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