Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Scope | RoleMiningSessionScope | [optional] | |
MinNumIdentitiesInPotentialRole | Int32 | Minimum number of identities in a potential role | [optional] |
ScopingMethod | String | The scoping method of the role mining session | [optional] |
PrescribedPruneThreshold | Int32 | The computed (or prescribed) prune threshold for this session | [optional] |
PruneThreshold | Int32 | The prune threshold to be used for this role mining session | [optional] |
PotentialRoleCount | Int32 | The number of potential roles | [optional] |
PotentialRolesReadyCount | Int32 | The number of potential roles which have completed processing | [optional] |
Status | RoleMiningSessionStatus | [optional] | |
EmailRecipientId | String | The id of the user who will receive an email about the role mining session | [optional] |
CreatedBy | RoleMiningSessionResponseCreatedBy | [optional] | |
IdentityCount | Int32 | The number of identities | [optional] |
Saved | Boolean | The session's saved status | [optional] [default to $false] |
Name | String | The session's saved name | [optional] |
DataFilePath | String | The data file path of the role mining session | [optional] |
Id | String | Session Id for this role mining session | [optional] |
CreatedDate | System.DateTime | The date-time when this role mining session was created. | [optional] |
ModifiedDate | System.DateTime | The date-time when this role mining session was completed. | [optional] |
Type | RoleMiningRoleType | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$RoleMiningSessionResponse = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024RoleMiningSessionResponse -Scope null `
-MinNumIdentitiesInPotentialRole 20 `
-ScopingMethod AUTO_RM `
-PrescribedPruneThreshold 83 `
-PruneThreshold 70 `
-PotentialRoleCount 8 `
-PotentialRolesReadyCount 4 `
-Status null `
-EmailRecipientId null `
-CreatedBy null `
-IdentityCount 39 `
-Saved true `
-Name Saved RM Session - 07/10 `
-DataFilePath null `
-Id 8c190e67-87aa-4ed9-a90b-d9d5344523fb `
-CreatedDate null `
-ModifiedDate null `
-Type null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$RoleMiningSessionResponse | ConvertTo-JSON