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IdStringThe id for the entitlement[optional]
NameStringThe name of the entitlement[optional]
DescriptionStringInformation about the entitlement[optional]
PrivilegedBooleanIndicates if the entitlement is a privileged entitlement[optional] [default to $false]
AttributeNameStringThe name of the attribute on the source[optional]
AttributeValueStringThe value of the attribute on the source[optional]
SourceSchemaObjectTypeStringThe schema object type on the source used to represent the entitlement and its attributes[optional]
SourceNameStringThe name of the source for which this entitlement belongs[optional]
SourceTypeStringThe type of the source for which the entitlement belongs[optional]
SourceIdStringThe ID of the source for which the entitlement belongs[optional]
HasPermissionsBooleanIndicates if the entitlement has permissions[optional] [default to $false]
IsPermissionBooleanIndicates if the entitlement is a representation of an account permission[optional] [default to $false]
RevocableBooleanIndicates whether the entitlement can be revoked[optional] [default to $false]
CloudGovernedBooleanTrue if the entitlement is cloud governed[optional] [default to $false]
ContainsDataAccessBooleanTrue if the entitlement has DAS data[optional] [default to $false]


  • Prepare the resource
$ReviewableEntitlement = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024ReviewableEntitlement  -Id 2c918085718230600171993742c63558 `
-Name CN=entitlement.bbb7c650 `
-Description Gives read/write access to the company database `
-Privileged false `
-Owner null `
-AttributeName memberOf `
-AttributeValue CN=entitlement.bbb7c650 `
-SourceSchemaObjectType groups `
-SourceName ODS-AD-Source `
-SourceType Active Directory - Direct `
-SourceId 78ca6be511cb41fbb86dba2fcca7780c `
-HasPermissions false `
-IsPermission false `
-Revocable true `
-CloudGoverned false `
-ContainsDataAccess true `
-DataAccess null `
-Account null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$ReviewableEntitlement | ConvertTo-JSON

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