Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IdentityId | String | The identity ID that requested the password change | [optional] |
EncryptedPassword | String | The RSA encrypted password | [optional] |
PublicKeyId | String | The encryption key ID | [optional] |
AccountId | String | Account ID of the account This is specified per account schema in the source configuration. It is used to distinguish accounts. More info can be found here | [optional] |
SourceId | String | The ID of the source for which identity is requesting the password change | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$PasswordChangeRequest = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024PasswordChangeRequest -IdentityId 8a807d4c73c545510173c545f0a002ff `
-EncryptedPassword XzN+YwKgr2C+InkMYFMBG3UtjMEw5ZIql/XFlXo8cJNeslmkplx6vn4kd4/43IF9STBk5RnzR6XmjpEO+FwHDoiBwYZAkAZK/Iswxk4OdybG6Y4MStJCOCiK8osKr35IMMSV/mbO4wAeltoCk7daTWzTGLiI6UaT5tf+F2EgdjJZ7YqM8W8r7aUWsm3p2Xt01Y46ZRx0QaM91QruiIx2rECFT2pUO0wr+7oQ77jypATyGWRtADsu3YcvCk/6U5MqCnXMzKBcRas7NnZdSL/d5H1GglVGz3VLPMaivG4/oL4chOMmFCRl/zVsGxZ9RhN8rxsRGFFKn+rhExTi+bax3A== `
-PublicKeyId YWQ2NjQ4MTItZjY0NC00MWExLWFjMjktOGNmMzU3Y2VlNjk2 `
-AccountId CN=Abby Smith,OU=Austin,OU=Americas,OU=Demo,DC=seri,DC=acme,DC=com `
-SourceId 8a807d4c73c545510173c545d4b60246
- Convert the resource to JSON
$PasswordChangeRequest | ConvertTo-JSON