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EnabledBooleanA flag indicating if Native Change Detection is enabled for a source.[optional] [default to $false]
Operations[]StringOperation types for which Native Change Detection is enabled for a source.[optional]
AllEntitlementsBooleanA flag indicating that all entitlements participate in Native Change Detection.[optional] [default to $false]
AllNonEntitlementAttributesBooleanA flag indicating that all non-entitlement account attributes participate in Native Change Detection.[optional] [default to $false]
SelectedEntitlements[]StringIf allEntitlements flag is off this field lists entitlements that participate in Native Change Detection.[optional]
SelectedNonEntitlementAttributes[]StringIf allNonEntitlementAttributes flag is off this field lists non-entitlement account attributes that participate in Native Change Detection.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$NativeChangeDetectionConfig = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024NativeChangeDetectionConfig  -Enabled true `
-AllEntitlements false `
-AllNonEntitlementAttributes false `
-SelectedEntitlements [memberOf, memberOfSharedMailbox] `
-SelectedNonEntitlementAttributes [lastName, phoneNumber, objectType, servicePrincipalName]
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$NativeChangeDetectionConfig | ConvertTo-JSON

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