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ExcludeTypes[]StringObject type names to be excluded from an sp-config export command.[optional]
IncludeTypes[]StringObject type names to be included in an sp-config export command. IncludeTypes takes precedence over excludeTypes.[optional]
ObjectOptionsmap[string]ObjectExportImportOptionsAdditional options targeting specific objects related to each item in the includeTypes field[optional]
DefaultReferences[]StringList of object types that can be used to resolve references on import.[optional]
ExcludeBackupBooleanBy default, every import will first export all existing objects supported by sp-config as a backup before the import is attempted. If excludeBackup is true, the backup will not be performed.[optional] [default to $false]


  • Prepare the resource
$ImportOptions = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024ImportOptions  -ExcludeTypes null `
-IncludeTypes null `
-ObjectOptions {TRIGGER_SUBSCRIPTION={includedIds=[be9e116d-08e1-49fc-ab7f-fa585e96c9e4], includedNames=[Test 2]}} `
-DefaultReferences null `
-ExcludeBackup false
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$ImportOptions | ConvertTo-JSON

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