Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | Unique identifier for the form input. | [optional] |
Type | Enum [ "STRING", "ARRAY" ] | FormDefinitionInputType value. STRING FormDefinitionInputTypeString | [optional] |
Label | String | Name for the form input. | [optional] |
Description | String | Form input's description. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$FormDefinitionInput = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024FormDefinitionInput -Id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 `
-Type STRING `
-Label input1 `
-Description A single dynamic scalar value (i.e. number, string, date, etc.) that can be passed into the form for use in conditional logic
- Convert the resource to JSON
$FormDefinitionInput | ConvertTo-JSON