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JobIdStringUnique id assigned to this job.[optional]
StatusEnum [ "NOT_STARTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETE", "CANCELLED", "FAILED" ]Status of the job.[optional]
TypeEnum [ "CREATE_DRAFT" ]Type of the job, will always be CREATE_DRAFT for this type of job.[optional]
MessageStringMessage providing information about the outcome of the draft process.[optional]
RequesterNameStringThe name of user that that initiated the draft process.[optional]
FileExistsBooleanWhether or not a file was generated for this draft.[optional] [default to $true]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeThe time the job was started.[optional]
ModifiedSystem.DateTimeThe time of the last update to the job.[optional]
CompletedSystem.DateTimeThe time the job was completed.[optional]
NameStringName of the draft.[optional]
SourceTenantStringTenant owner of the backup from which the draft was generated.[optional]
SourceBackupIdStringId of the backup from which the draft was generated.[optional]
SourceBackupNameStringName of the backup from which the draft was generated.[optional]
ModeEnum [ "RESTORE", "PROMOTE", "UPLOAD" ]Denotes the origin of the source backup from which the draft was generated. - RESTORE - Same tenant. - PROMOTE - Different tenant. - UPLOAD - Uploaded configuration.[optional]
ApprovalStatusEnum [ "DEFAULT", "PENDING_APPROVAL", "APPROVED", "DENIED" ]Approval status of the draft used to determine whether or not the draft can be deployed.[optional]
ApprovalComment[]ApprovalCommentList of comments that have been exchanged between an approval requester and an approver.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$DraftResponse = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024DraftResponse  -JobId 07659d7d-2cce-47c0-9e49-185787ee565a `
-Status COMPLETE `
-Message Draft creation message `
-RequesterName `
-FileExists true `
-Created 2021-05-11T22:23:16Z `
-Modified 2021-05-11T22:23:16Z `
-Completed 2021-05-11T22:23:16Z `
-Name Draft name `
-SourceTenant source-tenant `
-SourceBackupId 549bf881-1ac4-4a64-9acf-6014e8a3a887 `
-SourceBackupName Source backup name `
-ApprovalStatus APPROVED `
-ApprovalComment null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$DraftResponse | ConvertTo-JSON

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