Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Id | String | The segment's ID. | [optional] |
Name | String | The segment's business name. | [optional] |
Created | System.DateTime | The time when the segment is created. | [optional] |
Modified | System.DateTime | The time when the segment is modified. | [optional] |
Description | String | The segment's optional description. | [optional] |
Scopes | []Scope | List of Scopes that are assigned to the segment | [optional] |
MemberSelection | []Ref | List of Identities that are assigned to the segment | [optional] |
MemberFilter | VisibilityCriteria | [optional] | |
Membership | MembershipType | [optional] | |
Enabled | Boolean | This boolean indicates whether the segment is currently active. Inactive segments have no effect. | [optional] [default to $false] |
Published | Boolean | This boolean indicates whether the segment is being applied to the accounts. If unpublished its being actively modified to until published | [optional] [default to $false] |
- Prepare the resource
$DataSegment = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024DataSegment -Id 0f11f2a4-7c94-4bf3-a2bd-742580fe3bde `
-Name segment-xyz `
-Created 2020-01-01T00:00Z `
-Modified 2020-01-01T00:00Z `
-Description This segment represents xyz `
-Scopes [{scope=ENTITLEMENT, visibility=SELECTION, scopeFilter=null, scopeSelection=[{type=ENTITLEMENT, id=34d73f611449463ea4fdcf02cda0c397}]}] `
-MemberSelection [{type=IDENTITY, id=29cb6c061da843ea8be4b3125f248f2a}, {type=IDENTITY, id=f7b1b8a35fed4fd4ad2982014e137e19}] `
-MemberFilter null `
-Membership null `
-Enabled true `
-Published true
- Convert the resource to JSON
$DataSegment | ConvertTo-JSON