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BusinessNameStringThe name of the business the API Client should belong to[optional]
HomepageUrlStringThe homepage URL associated with the owner of the API Client[optional]
NameStringA human-readable name for the API Client[required]
DescriptionStringA description of the API Client[required]
AccessTokenValiditySecondsInt32The number of seconds an access token generated for this API Client is valid for[required]
RefreshTokenValiditySecondsInt32The number of seconds a refresh token generated for this API Client is valid for[optional]
RedirectUris[]StringA list of the approved redirect URIs. Provide one or more URIs when assigning the AUTHORIZATION_CODE grant type to a new OAuth Client.[optional]
GrantTypes[]GrantTypeA list of OAuth 2.0 grant types this API Client can be used with[required]
InternalBooleanAn indicator of whether the API Client can be used for requests internal within the product.[optional]
EnabledBooleanAn indicator of whether the API Client is enabled for use[required]
StrongAuthSupportedBooleanAn indicator of whether the API Client supports strong authentication[optional]
ClaimsSupportedBooleanAn indicator of whether the API Client supports the serialization of SAML claims when used with the authorization_code flow[optional]
Scope[]StringScopes of the API Client. If no scope is specified, the client will be created with the default scope ""sp:scopes:all"". This means the API Client will have all the rights of the owner who created it.[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$CreateOAuthClientRequest = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024CreateOAuthClientRequest  -BusinessName Acme-Solar `
-HomepageUrl http://localhost:12345 `
-Name Demo API Client `
-Description An API client used for the authorization_code, refresh_token, and client_credentials flows `
-AccessTokenValiditySeconds 750 `
-RefreshTokenValiditySeconds 86400 `
-RedirectUris [http://localhost:12345] `
-AccessType null `
-Type null `
-Internal false `
-Enabled true `
-StrongAuthSupported false `
-ClaimsSupported false `
-Scope [demo:api-client-scope:first, demo:api-client-scope:second]
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$CreateOAuthClientRequest | ConvertTo-JSON

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