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NameStringThe name of the governance event, such as the certification name or access request ID.[optional]
DtStringThe date that the certification or access request was completed.[optional]
TypeEnum [ "certification", "accessRequest" ]The type of governance event.[optional]
GovernanceIdStringThe ID of the instance that caused the event - either the certification ID or access request ID.[optional]
Owners[]CertifierResponseThe owners of the governance event (the certifiers or approvers)[optional]
Reviewers[]CertifierResponseThe owners of the governance event (the certifiers or approvers), this field should be preferred over owners[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$CorrelatedGovernanceEvent = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024CorrelatedGovernanceEvent  -Name Manager Certification for Jon Snow `
-Dt 2019-03-08T22:37:33.901Z `
-Type certification `
-GovernanceId 2c91808a77ff216301782327a50f09bf `
-Owners [{id=8a80828f643d484f01643e14202e206f, displayName=John Snow}] `
-Reviewers [{id=8a80828f643d484f01643e14202e206f, displayName=John Snow}] `
-DecisionMaker null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$CorrelatedGovernanceEvent | ConvertTo-JSON

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