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IdStringId of the campaign template[optional]
NameStringThis template's name. Has no bearing on generated campaigns' names.[required]
DescriptionStringThis template's description. Has no bearing on generated campaigns' descriptions.[required]
CreatedSystem.DateTimeCreation date of Campaign Template[required][readonly]
ModifiedSystem.DateTimeModification date of Campaign Template[required][readonly]
ScheduledBooleanIndicates if this campaign template has been scheduled.[optional] [readonly] [default to $false]
DeadlineDurationStringThe time period during which the campaign should be completed, formatted as an ISO-8601 Duration. When this template generates a campaign, the campaign's deadline will be the current date plus this duration. For example, if generation occurred on 2020-01-01 and this field was ""P2W"" (two weeks), the resulting campaign's deadline would be 2020-01-15 (the current date plus 14 days).[optional]


  • Prepare the resource
$CampaignTemplate = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024CampaignTemplate  -Id 2c9079b270a266a60170a277bb960008 `
-Name Manager Campaign Template `
-Description Template for the annual manager campaign. `
-Created 2020-03-05T22:44:00.364Z `
-Modified 2020-03-05T22:52:09.969Z `
-Scheduled false `
-OwnerRef null `
-DeadlineDuration P2W `
-Campaign null
  • Convert the resource to JSON
$CampaignTemplate | ConvertTo-JSON

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