Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Tenant | String | Tenant name. | [optional] |
Id | String | Identity ID. | [optional] |
Uid | String | Identity's unique identitifier. | [optional] |
VarProfile | String | ID of the auth profile associated with the auth user. | [optional] |
IdentificationNumber | String | Auth user's employee number. | [optional] |
String | Auth user's email. | [optional] | |
Phone | String | Auth user's phone number. | [optional] |
WorkPhone | String | Auth user's work phone number. | [optional] |
PersonalEmail | String | Auth user's personal email. | [optional] |
Firstname | String | Auth user's first name. | [optional] |
Lastname | String | Auth user's last name. | [optional] |
DisplayName | String | Auth user's name in displayed format. | [optional] |
Alias | String | Auth user's alias. | [optional] |
LastPasswordChangeDate | System.DateTime | Date of last password change. | [optional] |
LastLoginTimestamp | Int64 | Timestamp of the last login (long type value). | [optional] |
CurrentLoginTimestamp | Int64 | Timestamp of the current login (long type value). | [optional] |
LastUnlockTimestamp | System.DateTime | The date and time when the user was last unlocked. | [optional] |
Capabilities | []String | Array of the auth user's capabilities. | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$AuthUser = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024AuthUser -Tenant test-tenant `
-Id 2c91808458ae7a4f0158b1bbf8af0628 `
-Uid will.smith `
-VarProfile 2c91808458ae7a4f0158b1bbf8af0756 `
-IdentificationNumber 19-5588452 `
-Email `
-Phone 5555555555 `
-WorkPhone 5555555555 `
-PersonalEmail `
-Firstname Will `
-Lastname Smith `
-DisplayName Will Smith `
-Alias will.smith `
-LastPasswordChangeDate 2021-03-08T22:37:33.901Z `
-LastLoginTimestamp 1656327185832 `
-CurrentLoginTimestamp 1656327185832 `
-LastUnlockTimestamp 2021-03-08T22:37:33.901Z `
-Capabilities null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$AuthUser | ConvertTo-JSON