Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ApprovalId | String | The Approval ID | [optional] |
Approvers | []ApprovalIdentity | Object representation of an approver of an approval | [optional] |
CreatedDate | String | Date the approval was created | [optional] |
Type | String | Type of approval | [optional] |
Name | []ApprovalName | The name of the approval for a given locale | [optional] |
BatchRequest | ApprovalBatch | The name of the approval for a given locale | [optional] |
Description | []ApprovalDescription | The description of the approval for a given locale | [optional] |
Priority | Enum [ "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW" ] | The priority of the approval | [optional] |
Requester | ApprovalIdentity | Object representation of the requester of the approval | [optional] |
Comments | []ApprovalComment1 | Object representation of a comment on the approval | [optional] |
ApprovedBy | []ApprovalIdentity | Array of approvers who have approved the approval | [optional] |
RejectedBy | []ApprovalIdentity | Array of approvers who have rejected the approval | [optional] |
CompletedDate | String | Date the approval was completed | [optional] |
ApprovalCriteria | Enum [ "SINGLE", "DOUBLE", "TRIPLE", "QUARTER", "HALF", "ALL" ] | Criteria that needs to be met for an approval to be marked as approved | [optional] |
Status | Enum [ "PENDING", "APPROVED", "REJECTED" ] | The current status of the approval | [optional] |
AdditionalAttributes | String | Json string representing additional attributes known about the object to be approved. | [optional] |
ReferenceData | []ApprovalReference | Reference data related to the approval | [optional] |
- Prepare the resource
$Approval = Initialize-PSSailpoint.V2024Approval -ApprovalId 38453251-6be2-5f8f-df93-5ce19e295837 `
-Approvers null `
-CreatedDate 2023-04-12T23:20:50.52Z `
-Name null `
-BatchRequest {batchId=38453251-6be2-5f8f-df93-5ce19e295837, batchSize=100} `
-Description null `
-Priority HIGH `
-Requester {id=85d173e7d57e496569df763231d6deb6a, type=IDENTITY, name=John Doe} `
-Comments null `
-ApprovedBy null `
-RejectedBy null `
-CompletedDate 2023-04-12T23:20:50.52Z `
-ApprovalCriteria SINGLE `
-Status PENDING `
-AdditionalAttributes { "llm_description": "generated description" } `
-ReferenceData null
- Convert the resource to JSON
$Approval | ConvertTo-JSON